Personalize Tutoring Support

For K-8 students who want to stay on the road to academic acceleration

How it works!

3 simple steps and 7 days is all it takes.

The Diagnostic Test

Get a comprehensive portrait of your students' knowledge with Diagnostic, which pinpoints students' grade level proficiency in key math, reading and grammar. Students typically complete the self-paced assessment remotely in 1-2 days.


The Consultation Call

Notifiy our team once the assessment is completed and we'll send you a full detailed report plus a link to book a private consulation. Get recommendations for tutoring support. Book within 1-3 days after assessment.

The Consultation Call

Notifiy our team once the assessment is completed and we'll send you a full detailed report plus a link to book a private consulation. Get recommendations for tutoring support. Book within 1-3 days after assessment.

The Personalized Plan

Use insights from the coaching call to enroll your child in a personalized academic growth plan. Enroll within 48 hours of coaching call and receive 10% discount.

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The Critical Thinking Child is proud to partner with MyT Training to create the 5:30 Scholars. The mission of the 5:30 Scholars is to provide educational college readiness for students who aspire to graduate in the top 5% of their class and score a 30 on the ACT exam or SAT equivalent. The 5:30 Scholars Club integrates intensive math and reading programs, mentorship, community service initiatives, STEM activities, and economic development skills to foster academic success, personal development, and community-minded individuals. We offer a combination of in-person workshops and virtual academic coaching programs that allow students to meet us from anywhere in the world.

Based on a diagnostic test and initial consultation, we create a personalize tutoring plan for every student and take special care to match each student with a tutor who will work well with their learning style, personality, and schedule.  We communicate with you regularly to make sure that your child's tutor is the right fit and progress is being made. Our tutoring strategy is comprehensive and effective!

Get Started today!